EResources (In Library Access)
With 3,500+ interactive books, educational games, puzzles, and other learning activities,’s award-winning online curriculum is an invaluable resource for young learners (ages 2-6+). From Age of Learning, Inc.
(Please note: This resource is free to use when inside the library.)
Ancestry Library Edition (In Library Access)
Discover your family’s history using this collection containing more than 4,000 databases and 1.5 billion names cover the U.S. and U.K.
(Please note: This resource is free to use when inside the library.)
A to Z Food America
The world’s largest database of American food, culture, and recipes. With thousands of recipes, hundreds of fascinating culture and ingredient articles, and essential culinary resources, Food America brings United States cuisines to you!
A to Z World Food
The world’s largest collection of international recipes and global food culture. With thousands of global recipes, hundreds of fascinating culture and ingredient articles, and essential culinary resources, AtoZ World Food brings international cuisines to you, from Albanian byrek to Zimbabwean matemba!
Auto Repair Source
Our library provides free access to Auto Repair Source, an authoritative and easy-to-use auto service and repair reference tool. All content comes from the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), and you can use it to help you diagnose, repair and maintain your car, truck or SUV. You can also take this valuable resource on the road — it’s designed for devices such as laptops and tablets!
Consumer Reports with Cars Best Deals Plus
Known as one of the most trusted resources for information and advice on consumer products…
Enjoy unlimited access to thousands of online art and craft classes. Watch classes anytime, anywhere. Since our classes never expire, you can start and stop projects at your own pace. No pressure, just possibilities!
DMV Practice Tests
Contains the following state-specific information:
· 10 car practice tests
· 6 motorcycle practice tests
· 1 CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) practice test
· 2 online driver’s manuals (car and motorcycle)
· An FAQ section with detailed answers to 100+ DMV-related questions
EBSCOhost formerly called Wilson Web
Full text articles in science, humanities, education and business.
Educate Station
Full Curriculum for Pre-K through Fifth Grade.
Weekly/ Monthly Learning Plans & Worksheets
• English Language Arts
• Math
• Science
• Social Studies
• Social & Emotional Learning (SEL)
Explora Public Library
Let your learning take flight in Explora!
Explora Public Library includes the following resources:
- Biography Reference Source
- Literary Reference Source
- Science Reference Source
- History Reference Source
- Hobbies and Crafts Source
- Home Improvement Source
- Legal Information Source
- Small Business Source
- Small Engine Repair Source

Local History/Genealogy Online Indexes
Cemetery Index – Records and other burial information for select cemeteries of Will and Grundy Counties, Illinois.
Coal Reports – access to the names of coal miners who were injured or killed in mining accidents within the First District of Illinois between 1882 and 1927. This database also lists the names of workers certified as hoisting engineers, mine managers, and mine examiners for the same time period and locale.
Quarterlies Index – access to the Quarterly Indexes as prepared by the Will-Grundy Counties Illinois Genealogical Society. Actual quarterlies are housed at the Coal City Public Library District.
Obituary & Death Notice Index – Database containing obituaries and death notices as collected from available films of the Coal City Courant.
HeritageQuest Online
Resource for census data, family records and local history. This collection assembles includes existing U.S. federal census, banking and military records, genealogies, local histories, primary source materials, and genealogical and local history serials.
Illinois Legal Aid Online
Illinois Legal Aid Online
We open opportunities for justice. is a suite of resources – available to everyone in Illinois at no charge – that supports local authors with online creation and publishing tools and allows readers to access locally-produced content.
LearningExpress Library
Achieve your goals in school, at work and in life
Whether you’re looking to improve your core skills, prepare for college admissions tests, obtain your high school equivalency or join the workforce, LearningExpress Library ― a powerful online resource from EBSCOlearning ― has everything you need. You’ll find practice tests, quizzes, tutorials, microlessons, e-books, articles and flashcards to help you achieve your goals.
Medline Plus
MedlinePlus is an online health information resource for patients and their families and friends. It is a service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world’s largest medical library, which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Novelist Plus
Novelist K-8 Plus
NoveList is a database that provides subject heading access, reviews, annotations, and much more for over 120,000 titles.
Articles (some full text) and abstracts from a wide variety of sources.
Card catalog to view holdings of libraries across the nation
Please see a librarian for username and password.