VHS to Digital Convertor

VHS to Digital Convertor The library has the equipment that allows you to record video from VHS to digital format.  You can use our VCR to record your videos to a flash drive (the library has compatible flash drives to buy for $3) or your own portable...

Book Discussion Lists

Book Discussion Lists Here is what we are currently reading in our book discussion groups in case you want to follow along or join us!...

Subscription Club

Subscription Club Check out our library subscription club! Subscriptions are available to CCPLD Residents for a three-month subscription cycle. This service is intended for Teens 6th-12th grade and Adults 18+. Inside the subscription, you will find a library book (or...

Online Book Clubs

Online Book Clubs Join the Library’s Online Book Clubs and start receiving chapters from popular books in your daily email. Everyday, Monday through Friday, we’ll send you a portion of a book that takes only five minutes to read. During the week, you’ll have a chance...


Narcan Kits The library, working in conjunction with the Grundy County Health Department has Narcan Kits, available for free, inside the double doors of the library.  These kits are available for those 18 years old or older.  Please take only what you need. For free...