Adult Services Department
Adult Programs and Information
Adult Anime Club
Adults can enjoy snacks and watch an anime movie and complete various anime activities such as games or crafts each month. Once you register you will be signed up for all classes on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6 PM in Annex A.
Adult Book Discussion Groups
The Coal City Public Library District has a several book discussion groups that meet a the library in the Irving Street Annex.
We hope you can find one that interests you!
Adult Book Club meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 1:00 PM.
Dining with Dewey Cook Book Club meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at 6 PM.
Adult Evening Book Club meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 6 PM.
The library also hosts the Country Meadows Book Discussion Group at the Country Meadows Clubhouse located at 67 Oregon Trail, Diamond, on the 2nd Monday of each month at 10 AM.
Book Discussion Group Reading Lists
Adult Exercise
This is a low impact, aerobic exercise class designed for adults. The class meets in the library’s meeting room. If it is your first time attending you must bring a doctor’s consent. Join us for exercise for one hour on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 9 AM.
Adult Game Night
Adults can join us on the last Wednesday of each month for game play and snacks! Choose from a variety of games or bring your own to share. Library staff will be available to teach games and connect you with other players.
BINGO at the Library!
Bingo for adults at the library. Prizes and refreshments. This is a free program but registration is suggested. Monthly event occurs on the 3rd Friday from 1 to 2 PM each month.
Adults please join us the 2nd Friday of the month at 1 PM for an afternoon of Euchre with prizes and refreshments! Seasoned players only please.
Evening at the Movies
Adults and Teens 9th thru 12th grade can join us for an evening movie night on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6 PM.
Happy Scrappers
Join our Happy Scrappers monthly group. Work on your scrapbooking, crafts, cards, organizer – whatever you need to do to preserve memories or bring out your creativeness. This group meets the last Tuesday of every month from 9 AM.
Inside Walking at CCPLD
Join us to walk indoors during the months of January through March. The library will host an indoor walking club in collaboration with The Cove. Join us between 8 and 9am and we will provide the music. Receive a coupon from The Cove while they last.
Adults can play or learn to play Mahjong a traditional Chinese tile game with many variations. This program occurs on the 1st Friday and the 3rd Monday from 1 to 3 PM each month. This program takes place in the annex. If you are a beginner, please contact Adult Services prior to attending.
Make & Take Craft
Each month on the 2nd Monday between 10 AM and 7 PM, while supplies last, we will have a different adult craft for you to make and take. You can take the stairs or use the elevator to head upstairs to the desk to get the craft supplies and instructions.
Memory Keepers
Are you new to scrapbooking, or an old pro? Either way, come join us for a fun day of scrapbooking and friendship! We’ll meet the second Tuesday of every month from 9 AM – 4 PM!
Movie of the Month
Enjoy a new release movie with free, fresh popped popcorn monthly in the meeting room at 1 PM on the 4th Friday of the month. See calendar of events to verify dates and movie title.
Munchies & More
Adults can join us the first Friday of each month from 6 – 8 PM or a different activity.
Paper & More
Paper & More is an open program where you work on all your paper crafts. It typically meets the first Wednesday of every month at 9 AM.
Reference/Genealogy/Local History
The second floor of the library, is the place to go to find the following:
non-fiction reading materials
reference materials
local history materials and information
genealogy materials and information
classic books, audiobooks, and movies
entertainment movies including TV series
microfilm and microfilm machines
models of local buildings built by Dave Albrecht
and most importantly – library staff ready to help you find what you are looking for!
SHIP-Senior Health Insurance Program
Free statewide health insurance counseling service for Medicare beneficiaries and their caregivers.
This service is sponsored by the Morris Hospital.
Appointment required.
Call David Veronda at (815) 467-6260
to schedule an appointment.
Subscription Club
Check out our library subscription club!
Subscriptions are available to CCPLD Residents for a three-month subscription cycle. This service is intended for Teens 6th-12th grade and Adults 18+.
Inside the subscription, you will find a library book (or two!), movies, TV shows or a combination (if you choose) based on your preferences along with gifts. When you finish the book and/or DVD, return it to the library, but keep the rest!
The more details and preferences you provide, the better we can serve you.
Sign up now!
Tech Tuesdays
Do you have basic technology questions? The 3rd Tuesday of each month we will have a librarian available upstairs to assist you in 30 minute intervals between 2 PM and 4 PM.
Go to the Events Calendar to see more programs offered at CCPLD!